Sunday, October 11, 2009

Breathe and flow and transcend

200+ yogis and yoginis. Five hours. One goddess. Divine. It was my honor this weekend to practice prana flow yoga with with Shiva Rea, one of yoga’s current rock stars. Shiva is based in Santa Monica, Calif. and teaches around the world. I’d learned of her Washington, D.C., appearance via a post on twitter. She’d be teaching merely blocks from my home and my home yoga studio (the lovely Tranquil Space).

So, I joined 200+ others in two Tending the Fire: Living Yoga Sadhana sessions, the descriptions of which are lifted from the Flow Yoga facebook pages.

The evening class on Friday embodied Shakti Sadhana - the Creative Flow. "Explore pathways of awakening kundalini shakti as the divine creative brilliance within nature, within your body and as a supreme navigating intelligence within the flow of one's life." 

Saturday afternoon session invoked Bhakti Sadhana - the Sacred Flow, "a transformative prana flow heart-centered practice kirtan, tantric sutras, heart salutations (hridaya namaskar), a liberating backbending vinyasa flow and meditation to liberate our natural, healing alchemy of love."

Shiva coaxed us into yoga trance dance, chant and flow. What more can I say? Remarkable.

Shanti, om.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Revlon 720, Fire and Ice. My mom wore this warm, bold lipstick every day for the last many years of her life.

Some flavor of dementia erased mom’s memory, replacing her practical, everyday self with a woman who beamed a lovely bright red smile toward her daughter, a stranger now. The smile asked, “Do you have any children?” (No children by choice, as we first discussed years and years ago.) “And, dear, how long have you been married to that man?”(10 years.)

It was heart breaking, yet endearing.

Near the end of her life, Tessie was diagnosed with lung cancer, which rapidly spread to her brain and beyond. Thankfully, she would forget that she was a cancer patient. The pain was ever present, though, an ongoing reminder to the rest of us.

Mom had moments of lucidity, despite her flavor of dementia. I am grateful to be present with my mom three of her final five days. I am grateful to have bathed and dressed her, as well as witness her refusal of food the last time. And, I am grateful for the space to tell her again and again how much I loved her.

Our last bedside exchange, before the morphine mercifully dulled the pain, provides comfort. I stepped to her bedside, smiling, “Good morning, mom.” 

She looked at me with what seemed to be full awareness, layered with awe.  “Oh, hi lady! You're a shiny, shiny lady,” she exclaimed before slipping back into the dulled pain and confusion.

What did she see? A celestial, end-of-life being? Her guardian angel? My aura?

I consider her pronouncement as a blessing and final gift. The blessing of radiance. Along with the vibrant Revlon 720, a gift Tessie’s daughters and granddaughters wore during her final good bye.

Om shanti. Rest in peace, my beloved mother.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I sketch in my dreams

I used to dream in numbers. Now, I draw.  Sure wish I had a camera in my mind's eye to show you my work. Trust me on this, it is positively lovely. 

Om shanti.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Relaxing in luxe

Labor Day weekend. It’s the official end of summer in Washington, D.C., measured by quiet streets, nearly empty cafes and on street parking available everywhere. Capitol Hill staffers, lobbyists plus the multitude of business and legal interests eek out the last of the season at the beach or back in the home district.

I’m settling in for low key, relaxing three-day weekend. My excuse? The third kick-ass fraxel treatment, which has left my face a little red and swollen yet not nearly as uncomfortable as the two earlier sessions. Thank you Dr. Tina West!

Whilst I recover, you’ll find me relaxing at home in this simple, luscious piece from TranquiliT. It’s super soft, sexy and supple bamboo 2-in-1 slip dress that feels divine and looks fabulous. 

My plans for the next 72 hours? 
  • Stretch
  • Breathe
  • Read
  • Write
  • Draw 
  • And oh yes, dream
Om shanti.

(photo source:, xo!) 

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First, love thy self

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

 - Buddha

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Gratitude is the memory of the heart

Unveiling my newest gratitude journal, from Kate’s Paperie, in SoHo, New York City. “Love Book, Journal, 4x6, Pink W/Heart. made in Italy.”


My new soul book. Today, I am grateful for . . .

Om shanti.